Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Learn Proven Online Marketing Strategies

There are millions of people on the internet today trying
to earn money but only about 3-5 % are having any
success from what I read.

But I've learned of a company being started by a successful
online multi-millionaire that will teach you the marketing
strategies you need to finally be an online success earning
a substantial income and through the Pre- Launch period
going on now you can sign up to Free!

The Academy of Online Success will teach you the strategies
as well as help you develop the skills you need. After launch
membership is a low $25 per month with you earning a 100%
commissions .  There are additional opportunities to earn as well.

Pre-Launch is for about another 5 days before the company
goes live.  The academy is the brain child of Multi-Millionaire
Paul Birdsall who has helped many people to earn money online.

To see how this can benefit you visit:

You can attend nightly webinars at 8 p.m. EST in the back office.
This company is growing fast so come be a part of it.

Friday, April 5, 2013

Developing Self- Motivation.

It is said that the best motivation is self-motivation.
We need to find  ways to motivate ourselves to take
the necessary consistent  action to pursue our goals                                                                                    and achieve our dreams..

Many times though we need some help to give us that
needed push.
I have found a 4 year old  South African company that specializes
in developing motivational programs which are inexpensive and
very portable.

They offer motivational audio and video programs, e-books,
e-workbooks, and more plus an opportunity to start your
own motivational business inviting people to review their
motivational products, services, and if interested opportunity.

The name of this company is Be Motivated Today.
They offer a 14 Day Free Trial Membership where you
receive $50 worth of motivational products to try out and
a Free Report: How To Build Wealth.

For those interested only in receiving the motivational
products they have a Bronze Membership for only
$ 5 per month.  For those interested in building their
own motivational business they have a Silver Membership
for only $ 10 per month.

I have found their programs very helpful in helping me
maintain a positive attitude and the daily motivation to
keep focusing on overcoming my diabetes and complications
no matter how much pain I'm in .
Too many people give up and they shouldn't cause if there's hope                                                             then there's a way and they help motivate you to stay positive and hopeful.

For more information visit:
Please watch our product informational video:

Mark McKillip

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Always Keep Trying Cause You Never Know When You Might Succeed

A famous quote that continually motivates me is by
Winston Churchill who said,"Never give up, 
Never give up, Never, never give up."

Always keep striving forward confident for you
will achieve whatever goal you desire.
Tony Robbins talks about developing a strong
belief followed by massive action as the elements
for success.

No matter how long it will take you, you must
keep trying until you get it right and achieve what
you desire.

It took Thomas Edison 10,000 experiments before
he found the right combination to make a filament
burn giving the world the electric light bulb.
Or it took Jim Henson 25 years to become an over
night success.

Presently, it's taken me almost four years of constant
research, desire, guts, and just plain trying to progress
where I'll be able to stand, then walk, then live a
productive normal life again.  I don't know how long it
will finally take but I 'll never give up no matter what
others might say!

I've learned that achieving your desired result happens
in it's own time but the thought of ever giving up isn't
ever acceptable.

Each of us in our lives must face that cross road moment
to continue on or bail out.  And the only person, in the end
that we must answer to is ourselves.

To get a Free 14 Day Trial Membership in Be Motivated Today to try
our motivational programs of audio tapes, e-workbooks, videos, e-books
etc. plus a Free Report of How To Build Wealth which shows you how a grow
a passive income visit
The regular bronze membership is only 17 cents per day or $5 per month.
If you want earn a passive income then the silver membership is 35 cents per
day or $10 per month.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

What We Put Off To Tomorrow Now Becomes Today

One of my favorite songs is The River by Garth Brooks.
One line in the song goes"What we put off to tomorrow
now becomes today."

So often we find excuses not to deal with an activity and put it
off due to laziness, lack of focus, or the big problem FEAR!
We are such a negative society, in general, that right away
we start running through our minds all the bad things that are
going to happen to us and so we put it off... and put it off.. and.put it
off until it becomes urgent, a must do and we have no choice
but to deal with it!

A well known founding father once said,"90% of everything
I feared never happened." That of course was Benjamin

We need to recognize and gain an understanding that much of
our thinking is controlled by our perspective  and conditioning
so it would be wise  to develop a new paradigm promoting a  more ,
positive attitude and perspective using the technique of spaced repetition .
And using tools such as positive affirmations written in the first person.
Such as " I believe in my ability to achieve."  Or " I can accomplish
whatever I can put my mind on." Saying these statements out loud daily
as if you believe it and eventually you will!

Or following the concept Ken Blanchard passes along, " Catch me doing
something right!" Start daily working on changing the view you have of yourself
 and remember when someone says something it's just their perspective
and you can accept or reject it!

By focusing your energies on a more positive lifestyle you can reduce stress,
live with anticipation, and be fully alive to this dynamic drama we call life
and not procrastinate!

To get a Free 14 Day Trial Membership in Be Motivated Today to try
our motivational programs of audio tapes, e-workbooks, videos, e-books
etc. plus a Free Report of How To Build Wealth which shows you how a grow
a passive income visit
The regular bronze membership is only 17 cents per day or $5 per month.
If you want earn a passive income then the silver membership is 35 cents per
day or $10 per month.

Watch our Free Informational Video:

Tuesday, March 5, 2013


Thomas Jefferson , one of the giants in american history,
said, "Honesty is the first chapter in the book of

When you look around us in all walks of life media,
government, business, medicine, and even religion
there are small adjustments, outright fabrications,
deceit, deliberate lying, dishonesty and on...and on...
and so forth.

Then we wonder why things aren't working.
For one thing we don't know whom to believe or
trust.  It erodes what the late Dr. Stephen Covey
used to call the emotional bank account and not only
are we overdrawn financially but we're overdrawn
there as well.

The emotional bank account runs on trust. Knowing
you can believe what the other person is telling you.
Each time you find out they've been dishonest it eats away
at the fabric of truth causing a split that can grow bigger
and wider over time.

There needs to be a call , which I'm attempting now,
to return to an age when a man or woman's word was their
bond. That we speak the truth and stop scheming and knifing
trying to trick others for our gain. Or like they, who ever they are,
tell it straight allowing us to make wise decisions from the data
we're receiving.

This needs to be a joint effort after all the truth can set you free!

I invite you to visit my Facebook at:

Monday, January 14, 2013

What Do You Do When You're Back Is Against The Wall

 For the past five years, I've had to face many challenges
 I could have done without.  But I've tried to face
them with an attitude of positive focus and the belief
that in the end it will all work out right.

One of the biggest challenges towards recovery I face
is neuropathy. I have spent countless hours researching
to find a solution and have discovered some promising
therapies which unfortunately my health insurance
will not pay for.

When I run up against a road block Admiral Perry comes
to my mind, "Find a way or make one." Don't let anything
or one stop you from achieving your desired outcome.
I realize it means searching inside yourself, like Yeshua
in the desert, for the answers or solutions you need by
calling upon your inner self which is part of the cosmic
conciousness or source .

To be able to get the healing treatments I need, I'm going
to need to earn an income which so far has been very hard to do.
But they say if you have a strong enough why you will
discover a way.

I have a strong sense of determination and purpose to follow
my destiny and achieve my goals and that of my wife Patty.
It's incredible to me now that my gorgeous wife with all
her intelligence and talent decided to share her life with me
when you could have had any man she wanted.

I was tall, shy, unsure of myself or my direction. She patiently
changed me and my life helping me develop the confidence
I needed. Now five years since she's been gone I believe
I must return the favor by sharing her enormous talents
with the world.

I'm at a crossroads, in my life, to accept my fate or marshall
my forces and strive forward facing and overcoming each
obstacle which won't be easy but necessary to heal my body
and achieve our goals!

To get a Free 14 Day Trial Membership in Be Motivated Today to try
our motivational programs of audio tapes, e-workbooks, videos, e-books
etc. plus a Free Report of How To Build Wealth which shows you how a grow
a passive income visit
The regular bronze membership is only 17 cents per day or $5 per month.
If you want earn a passive income then the silver membership is 35 cents per
day or $10 per month.
 Mark McKillip has a B.A. in Psychology from the University of West Forida
and graduate work in psychology and personal communication at Arizona State
and has taught at five colleges and universities as well as The Learning Annex
in New York.
 You can reach me at